I have become so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I find I have trouble focusing on simple interactions at work. So wrapped up in my own thoughts that I completely forgot to post how I met one of my favorite tumblr buddies?! I’m such a moron!
I was able to meet up with Laura of Hey Missy last Saturday while she was momentarily in town for a whole 3ish days. Here for her middle sister’s friend’s baby shower.. got that? I also had the opportunity to bake for her!
We’ve been emailing about baking, cupcakes and all sorts of fun, girly things for something like three months! Right? Can you believe it Laura? So I baked two dozen pink and blue cupcakes for the mommy-to-be’s shower. (I’m so jealous, she’s having twins. A boy and a girl. I always wanted to have twins and now she gets one of each. Lucky girl!)
We got together at Starbucks and it was soo weird meeting someone at a coffee shop that you only know via the internet. I think weird meetings happen all the time at starbucks, I like to watch these people when I’m there. NOW I WAS ONE OF THEM. It was like what I imagine a match.com date to be like.
ANYWAYS, I think we had a lovely time. Almost two hours went by in a flash! Talked cupcakes, married men, families and how we’re both a little lost on the perfect career direction.
The even funnier thing?
When I hung out with my BFF, Simone, that night I started to fill her in on all the details. The background of how we came in contact. How it turned out she was originally from Sacramento etc. etc. Then suddenly she said WHAT IS THIS GIRL’S LAST NAME? So I tell her.
Simone’s old roommate and Laura worked together back in the day. They went to a Blink182 concert! How freaking random is that my friends?
Not such a small world.