Smelling books.

Originally posted on the NieNieDialogues.  Diana turned me onto this blog, which began simply enough.  A mother of four sharing her day to day joys of mother and wifehood.  Not too long ago her and her husband were in a terrible plane crash and by the grace of God, they were the only survivors.  Now she shares much of her struggles in recovery and readjusting to the family she was seperated from.

I was catching up today while at work and this story jumped out at me because I so foundly remember book fair flyer’s from my own childhood.


I am eating Top Ramen tonight and filling out book fair orders for the girls.
Book fair orders are a magical.

I remember as a child my teacher passing out book fair flyer’s filled with all sorts of books, posters, and sometimes games. The flyer smelled good, and I think I enjoyed the smell of the paper as much as the books for sale inside. (I am a paper-smeller-one who smells paper, napkins and books. Bookstores are equivalent to Bath and Body Works to me).

I would race home to view the flyer for books. With my large red marker I circled the ones I wanted.

So many books to choose from

I told Mom who happily reviewed my selection, wrote a check and the next day my order was out. When the books arrived, my teacher would place them on my desk five minutes until the school let out. And when that bell rang, I zoomed home and smelled the books then read them (sometimes at the same time).

I was so excited when Claire brought a book fair flyer home…same great smell and same great books. I gave Jane and Claire a marker in which they went crazy circling almost every book. We had to narrow it down to a few. (a past-time I recollect well)
Then after the darlings went to bed, I realized we didn’t have any green food coloring for those sneaky leprechauns to change our food into green, so I sent Mr. Nielson (my personal leprechaun) to the local grocer down the street.
Why, he just walked in the front door-why, what is in his hands? Green food coloring AND another chocolate cake…still searching for the “one” you know.
So, tonight I wrote a check for the book fair, finished my ramen and now it is off to put this sore body to bed.

Thank you all for your chocolate cake recipes, I will try them-all of them

Please check this out, it is good and informative.
I honor my membership as a Mormon and the sacred rolls our temples fulfill.
I hope you will too.


Kyleblog, book, diana, nie nie