
Friends, I need your votes. Please. All you need to do is go here:

I was recently chosen as one of the TOP 24 FINALISTS out of 3,300 ENTRIES for a scholarship contest, after submitting an essay on why I decided to make this life changing decision and pursue a nursing career. (For those of you “math people,” that’s in the top .7%. Clearly, this is quite a feat, and honor for me!)

However, I can’t cross the finish line alone. Enter you guys.

(Again: friends, I need your votes. Please. All you need to do is go here:

You just need a valid email address, and a name. Literally, it takes TWO SECONDS(depending on how fast you type, that is!). :)

There will be five winners chosen, and it is COMPLETELY dependent on the amount of votes one gets. Which is why you can currently picture me, on my knees, begging you. Please vote for me. Often. What do you get out of it? Well, aside from the fact you can say that you are “friends with that one person who won a scholarship out of 3,300 entries across the US, which no one would know about despite this call for help,” this is a free pass to asking me about any medical question once I am an RN. Even if it’s at 3am. I’ll be there for you. (I just can’t promise I’ll know the answer. I’ll be an RN folks, not an MD. But I will try, and get to the bottom of it. TLC from Nurse Ashley always!).

ALSO, PLEASE PASS ON THIS MESSAGE/GROUP INVITE and have your friends, friends of friends, anyone you know help join the cause. It’s a good one, I promise. So forward this message away! It’s two seconds of your life that can make a difference. (Just like I’ll be making a difference in the ER one day!)

So, let’s recap:

* Ashley is a finalist (Top 24 of 3,300 Entries!)
* Ashley needs lots of votes to win.
* Show Ashley you care, and go here to vote for Ashley:
* Vote for Ashley from different computers/email addresses, what have you, from April 15th-May 15th.
* Pass this message on to friends, so they, too (!!!) can vote for Ashley
* Help Ashley WIN!!!!!!

Any questions, feel free to reach me. And thank you all in advance. I reallly, truly appreciate you helping me to pursue my dream. It really means the world to me.

/Shameless plug and self promotion.

Now go VOTE! :) Once again at:

Much appreciation&love,

Who couldn’t use free nurse advice at 3am??

Good luck!