I have been wanting to start a book club with my Tumblr friends for months and months now. I had no idea where to start or what I wanted out of it so I’ve been holding back. I still don’t know what I want, but what I do know is that I love to read. I also know there are lots of other girls (guys too!) out there who love to read, exchange books, give recommendations etc. Laura of HeyMissy and I had a long chat on yahoo messenger about this several weeks ago. The two of us were shooting each other titles back and forth and it made me excited to move forth with this idea of mine!
With my recent spike in followers I thought now would be the time to capitalize on your attention spans. :) While I have you here, help me make this work. There are no rules of Book Club… or at least not yet. I don’t need to pick one book every month and discuss it, but I will share with you what I’m reading now and review it for you at the end. I think some of the best books I read are ones that have been personally recommended to me, you get a better feel for a book than what’s written on the back.
What I’m hoping to get from you readers is a little feedback. If you’ll read anything with a pretty, bright, or pink cover then this is the spot for you. Those of you who give books as gifts please step forward! Are you interested? Do you have any ideas of how to get this moving forward? What would you like to see here?
Contact me thegirlkyle@gmail.com with your Top 5 list (best books ever) and let me know what’s coming up on your summer reading list.