Monday Fun Day!
Simon and I ventured north of the city for breakfast at the world(?) famous Walker Brothers Pancake House.
You will never guess what happened….my “Baby Dutch” Pancake came with a side of Julia Allison! Wha? I swear to God. (Almost.)
Thanks to twitter, I realized that the woman who got me hooked on blogs had been dining a mere 5 tables from me! I was really nervous as I stopped by her table…my hands wouldn’t stop shaking (although that may have had more to do with my hypercaffeinated state than my heightened nerves). Julia was so lovely and as she introduced me to her entire family- I realized that through her writing over the past two years, I felt like I knew each one of them. Blogs are really cool like that.
What a wonderful morning!
Writers note: I’m not gonna lie…What you wear to a pancake breakfast isn’t exactly the ensemble you want to be rocking when you meet one of your internet idols. I knew I should have worn my tu-tu this morning!
Isn’t she fantastic?! She was so NICE when Kaila and I crashed her bicoastal birthday party. She is really as lovely as she seems and I wish all her haters could see our experiences and GET OVER IT.