
Happy Birthday to my favorite Tumblr girl, Miss Kyle!

In honor of your 27th birthday, I give you 27 reasons why you are fabulous:

  1. You bake delicious cupcakes.
  2. You love Britney Spears, through the good and the bad.
  3. You are the oldest of three girls, just like me, and we know being the oldest rocks!
  4. You are a super girly girl.
  5. You love Julia Allison.
  6. You are a mother to the adorable Oscar.
  7. You love accessories.
  8. You have great style.
  9. You got me addicted to Twitter.
  10. You allowed me to use The Sweet Indulgence for my first website in web design.
  11. You love reading wedding blogs and looking at wedding photos.
  12. You love headbands.
  13. You love to dress up.
  14. You love all of the same bloggers as I do.
  15. You love DIY’s!
  16. You are close with your parents.
  17. You make me want to be a better Tumblr.
  18. You post your adorable outfits on Weardrobe.
  19. Hello, you’re from Sacramento! :)
  20. You love all things Glee.
  21. You’re a big fan of chick-lit books.
  22. You love Gossip Girl.
  23. Starbucks makes you happy.
  24. We know some of the same people, which we didn’t find out until after we met.
  25. You have great taste in music and I usually find new tunes from you.
  26. You have Illustrator skills that I envy.
  27. And, most importantly, you are even more fabulous in person that you are on Tumblr.

I am so happy that you e-mailed that day eons ago asking about where I found recipe cards. You are an amazing woman and I am so fortunate to have you in my life. I only wish I desired to live in Sacramento so that we could be closer together to go shopping, do crafty DIY’s, bake delicious foods, gossip about pop culture, watch cheesy girly movies, attend fabulous parties, and have an all around good time.

I hope you’re 27th year brings you wonderful friendships (old and new), fabulous memories, lots of tasty cupcakes, entertainment worth blogging, and lots of laughter & love.


This is so incredibly sweet and fantastic {just like you}!  Tumblr really is match.com for girls.  I am so fortunate to have great friends that surround me every day and the ones I have met through the world wide web.  I really need to come visit you and this place you call Las Vegas!

Kyle2009, hey missy, my birthday