Hope you’re all having a great weekend so far.  I’ve taken an absence from my “staying in” regime and I actually have plans!  Thankfully the weather has lightened up and it’s no longer looking like this outside!

The weather was kind of exciting, but not so exciting to be out in.  I like to listen to it all from the comfort and warmth of my own bed.

I’m still taking pictures for my weardrobe account, but it isn’t nearly as glamorous and creative as I was getting in the warm weathered months.  One thing I will miss is tights. Do you think tights will stick around come summer? I’m interested to see how people try to work them into their summer outfits.

There’s really no reason to post this picture other than I find it hysterical.  Oscar The Prince just does as he pleases here in the palace.  Even if that mean the most comfortable spot is lying on top of Kaila with his butt in her face.

I baked these treat just now!  I’m heading to the 209 as soon as I shut my mactop. These cinnamon treats will be delicious for breakfast tomorrow.  The recipe can be found on my baking blog here.  The only change I made was rolling them in sugar and cinnamon at the end.  I’ve been promising them to Miss Alice and they were long overdue.

Have a fantastic Saturday!