I had all these big ideas for posts this weekend.  My favorite love songs.  A DIY pom pom garland.  Some fun Valentine’s cards.  Sharing a story of my first Valentine’s Day gift back in 2001.  Just because I am currently without a bf didn’t mean I couldn’t contribute to the love bursting from my dashboard!

Instead, I was sick with a sinus cold/headache.  We did a lot of what you see above. Lots of sleeping and naps.  I watched about 6 episodes of Desperate Housewives, two DVDs (Adventureland sucked) and everything else on our DVR.

Before I was completely bedridden, Kaila and I made our date to see Valentine’s Day. It was… not so great.  Sorry, I’m sure lots of you have plans to see this movie.  It’s not worth the $10.50.  We also made it downtown to a new club, Venue. It was only the second night, but we liked what we saw.  Especially the dorky boys who kept us company all night.  Anyone who can keep up with Kaila on the dance floor is a friend of mine.  I watched the two of them dance all night! haha :)  We also saw a short performance by Brett Young. His voice is amazing!

Basically I packed all my weekend fun into one day and then slept for 48 hours.  I only started to feel like a real girl again aaaat about 1:30 this afternoon.  Did you all have a lovely time?  Did your loved ones spoil you? I hope so.

Kyle2010, club, kaila, movie, oscar, valentine's day