As much as I embrace all things technology there are few things I’m behind in. For one I don’t understand cable television, using the DVR is the ultimate power struggle between my patience and that stupid silver box.

Secondly, I just signed up for Netflix less than a year ago! I know most of you have been riding this train for like 4+ years, but I was grasping on to that instant gratification that was/is Blockbuster. Then MY Blockbuster closed!

Sometimes I (rarely) I want to see something TONIGHT so after weeks of eyeballing that red machine at my local Safeway I braved it. I think I picked the first thing I saw because I didn’t want to hold up any lines or someone catch me not knowing what I was doing. (slightly crazy, I know)

I just learned that it gets even better - I can reserve a DVD right from my phone. Alice enlightened me this weekend. Red Box has an app for the iPhone (point for the iPhone!) where you can find locations, search movie availability and even reserve it! Awesome.

So thanks to Alice, Diana and I have secured our movie for tomorrow night’s puppy play date. :)

Kylealice, diana, red box, technology