I lust.

I think one of the rare untouched subjects on this blog is shopping. I show some daily outfits or what I wore to a particular social event, but what I am lusting online - notsomuch.
Well here! Diana brought this catalog in yesterday and thought I might like it. She is good! I think it may be safe to say I have a new crush. Have you ever heard of this brand? I think it’s originally from somewhere in the UK? The catalog was proudly announcing american sizes now available.
The images above don’t nearly do as much justice as all the beautiful photos in print, but the look is fresh, simple and a bit free-spirited. They have a look {and price} that’s similar to J.Crew. Yes, I’ll spend $100+ on a fabulous dress, but no I will not be buying faux snakeskin ballet flats for $118 thankyouverymuch!
1st row L to R:
Portfolio Blazer $98
Scallop Trim Coat $198
2nd row L to R:
Canvas Bag $58
Textured Breton $38
Grand Total: $508
Wow that’s a hefty chunk of fake money, but I’d be lookin fly in Aptos this year. ;)