GK Factoids: Part 2

I am soo tardy on this post for Julie’s Factual Monday, but better late than never right? I tried to include some birthday factoids in honor of her recent birthday celebration :) Have a great start to the week people!!

  1. Every time I go to a makeup counter to get new foundation and have them match my skin tone I am disappointed. It’s always a shock seeing that full bottle and I think, I really am that white? As if one day I will suddenly go and have become half brazilian or something.
  2. I am sure this is true of many people, but I love, LOVE paper goods. Letterpress, planners, stationary, calling cards, wedding invitations - you name it. I frequently search “calling cards” on Etsy looking for the most perfect ones because a real lady needs calling cards to give to handsome suitors. Right?
  3. My worst, most awful habit is… biting my nails (AND cuticles). I seriously hate it and can never seem to stop no matter how much I scold myself. I’m trying really hard to have somewhat presentable nails for Malia’s wedding in June, but I’m not feeling to hopeful right now.
  4. I have had two surprise parties in my lifetime. One was when I turned 16. I walked in absolutely livid that I couldn’t join family friends for a movie. {They were trying to get me home for the surprise.} Oops! And the other was when I turn 24. I immediately burst into tears. It had been an emotional year, right at the end of ending a rocky 6 year relationship. For some reason, all those people in my home was overwhelming.

I was supposed to be born on Christmas Day, but thankfully I had the foresight to be upside down, making it impossible to come naturally. I came via C-section instead and my Mom was home in time for Christmas :)

Kyleabout me, Gk factoids