Rules of Summer

by Emily

1. Attend an outdoor concert
2. Make homemade ice cream with fresh fruit
3. Create a playlist of songs I’m listening to this summer
4. Take walks after dinner at least three times a week
5. Make time to meet up with girlfriends for Sunday brunch
6. Sneak into a fancy hotel pool
7. Visit Stinson Beach (my favorite spot in Northern California)
8. Attend some sort of food festival
9. Donate the summer clothes that I don’t end up wearing
10. Master my own signature cocktail

I think Emily of Cupcakes and Cashmere has started us off here with a great list of summer guidelines.  My favorites being a summer playlist and brunch with girlfriends, being that I love music so much.  Oh, and my girlfriends are pretty awesome too.  I’d like to add on:

  • summer kiss(es)
  • spend more nights outdoors and less in front of this laptop screen
  • see fireworks, I missed them yesterday
  • watch an outdoor movie (maybe in EDH)

What are your rules for this summer?

(image via)?