{the inside scoop}

For those of you who may have noticed, I’ve been a bit MIA for the last month or two. A lady friend of my ex’s has been reading this blog for the last year and a half. I decided I’d had enough of her snooping. For those of you thinking, “it’s a fucking blog, if you don’t want someone reading then don’t put your life on display” my easiest answer is, you aren’t a blogger. You don’t get it. A better explanation might be, there’s a difference between sharing your life with strangers, family and friends you chose to share this experience with and a little snoop. A snoop that you hate and her feeling equally the same. Uuum can we say get a life?

ANYWAYS, I missed you guys! I missed this blog. After trying to start up elsewhere, from scratch, I realized it just wasn’t the same. I spent the last two years documenting my life here. My long distance relationship ending, my attempts in the dating world, my wardrobe, moving (twice), haters, baking and building a relationship with the tumblr world. I loved being Girl Kyle too much to let her ruin this for me. This blog is mine and I love it. It may not last forever, but I’m not ready to give it up just yet. She may still be reading, but fuck it. I can let her see what makes her crazy (bonus!) and keep to myself the things I want private. Easy as that.

Thank you to those who sent emails and the followers that stuck by despite the lack of activity. I missed you too :)

And with that my friends… I’M BACK!

Kylewhere were you?