Blog Friend turned FIRL: Hey Missy

On Saturday I had the chance to catch up face to face with Laura of HeyMissy.  We actually met in person for the first time about a year ago when she was in town for a baby shower.  It’s funny that I first contacted Laura to ask about a letterpress recipe card she had posted on her blog. We got to emailing and realized that we had Sacramento in common.  The world got even smaller after we met for coffee that first time and realized that we knew a lot of people in common.  The world works in mysterious ways!!

It was so much fun to get together for yummy food (her pick, on her must-eat list while in town) and talk tumblr.  Something you can’t always do with your “real friends”. As single girls we (mostly me) were whining about how everyone on our dashboard seems to be pregnant or working through the beginnings of mommyhood.  I’ve got a small case of the green eyed monster, but we won’t get into that right now… Laura and I follow so many of the same people, but I was looking lots of people up while we were chatting.  It’s always great to “meet” new people.  So if I started following you this weekend it’s thanks to Laura!

I always find it fascinating when other bloggers get to meet up IRL because it’s just crazy to think about how we all started out on here a couple years ago.  In a few short years we’ve each made connections with people all over the country, some stronger than others, but nonetheless it’s definite perk. Laura is the only blogger I’ve had the privilege to meet IRL, but I hope that won’t be true forever!  Anybody making their way to Northern California, hit me up! :) 

Kyleblog friend, FIRL, hey missy, laura