The Pursuit of Passion


I started this post back in June. I have written and rewritten it many times since because my life has shifted in several ways since. The baby became a toddler, I got a new job and my husband started a masters program. Life is f*cking weird!

I remember as a kid people talking about midlife crises. To me, that meant what I’d seen in movies, an affair or an expensive new car. For months I had been feeling as though I’m on the verge of something. Am I having a midlife crisis? Am I old enough to call it midlife? Is it just hormones? WTF.

Baby Everett had turned a year old and while I think we had mostly gotten the hang of things, I still didn’t feel right. The only thing that I could pinpoint was my job. It was no longer fulfilling me in a way that it once had. As much as it kills me to admit this, but my priorities had changed and I just didn’t give a shit anymore about a lot of the things I once had. It was glaringly obvious that I was missing the creative outlets I had before the baby was born - baking cupcakes, designing invitations and planning outings.

So I went out to find myself a job that I felt passionate about. I was viewing the world through rose-colored glasses, the birds were singing and I was on the cusp of something fabulous. But damn it was hard! Dreams don’t pay the f*cking bills - at least not at first. So then I just started looking for a new “real job”. And I started a creative night with a couple of my entrepreneurial friends where we sat down monthly and shared ideas. That gave me hope! There was more for me.

Fast forward to today and my creative passion is overflowing. I’m in a new job that provides the flexibility I was seeking. With flexibility I get to pick my daughter up early from the nanny, I meet my creative friends for lunch and I did my first ever pop-up in November! I feel 1,000 times more like myself than I did back in June. I’m happy to be back.