Blogging 101 with Alejandro Reyes

On Tuesday evening I braved the rain (in May!) and made my way out to Stockton for News10's free class with Alejandro Reyes.  I just happened to catch their tweet the week before while I was at work.  The problem with following so many people is that it makes it hard to keep up with my timeline!  I've broken it down into several lists, but you can't keep up with everyone.  I'm so glad I signed up because apparently I'd already missed the first opportunity in Sacramento.

Alejandro Reyes was in Sacramento Magazine last year as one of their "15 People To Watch" and with good reason.  He left community college after two weeks and it doesn't seem he's ever looked back.   An entertaining speaker, Alejandro speaks with confidence, making it obvious that he's an expert in his field. His instruction was geared more towards new bloggers, some people in attendance had yet to start, but the basics were refreshing.  He questioned us about our goals and what we were looking to get out of our blogs.  Three years later, it was helpful to reflect back.  It renewed my desires to reach these old goals. It was also clear that after all this time has passed I still enjoy blogging!

I'm told that Alejandro will have a follow up "Web 2.0" class in the next 4-6 weeks so if you're interested, keep an eye on News10's twitterfeed.

{Image via}