Checking In...
Hi my loves! I'm not dead - if you were worried, just so incredibly busy! Not in that way where people say "I've got a million things on my plate" and they're full of shit. I really do. I just threw the world's move amazing bridal shower for my bestie on Saturday. I literally drank from 9:30 in the morning till 12:30am the following day. Have you ever heard of an after party following a bridal shower? I don't think so!
This week doesn't slow down for a second. I'm hosting my first ever social media workshop tonight at Pure for 12 small business owners. ME?! I can't not believe that I volunteered to stand up in front of a group of people and speak like I know what I'm talking about. Lost my mind I think. Then I've got two cupcake orders this week and somewhere between all that I'll be address 150 wedding invitations for the aforementioned bestie!
Wish me luck and in the meantime I hope this picture of the Simone and her bridesmaids will hold you over!