Woodland Chic: A Bridal Shower
I'm so thrilled that after months of planning I'm finally able to share the details of Simone's bridal shower that took place last weekend! As I've mentioned several times before and in several places... It was a big job and I couldn't have done it without all my friends and family. And I'm not kidding! I had Mr. Goddard and Diana haul every precious detail up in the vehicles. My Dad cooked the chicken for the sandwiches. My sister took almost 200 awesome photos. My mom prepped and came early the morning of and of course all the lovely bridesmaids we're right by my side the whole way! We make this look easy!
The bride was a huge help too! She planned the menu for the shower which might sound a little bridezilla to those of you who don't know us, but if it had been left up to me I would have been serving pizza and chicken nuggets... Or I would have thought only about dessert because that's how I am.
The inspiration for this entire party started with Simone's absurd desire for a pet squirrel in college and the adorable invitation I stumbled upon on Etsy. From there, woodland chic was born.