[audio http://thegirlkyle.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/02-last-friday-night-t-g-i-f.mp3]

Last Friday (T.G.I.F) - Katy Perry

I don't know why, but I really feel like I've earned this weekend.  I'm not a person that deals well with stress so I mostly avoid stressful things.  Taking on too much or participating in things outside my comfort zone.  I'm the ostrich that sticks her head in the sand.  So right now I'm a bit overwhelmed, mostly by the prospect of moving.  Nobody really likes to move, but add to that the fact that I'm currently interviewing for a new receptionist at work, smoothing out details for the bachelorette, doing so many side jobs including social media consulting and graphic design stuff... This weekend I have NOTHING planned.  Well nothing besides a going away potluck on Sunday, but for the next 48 hours I am a free woman!  T.G.I.F friends!!