Mover & A Shaker!
Depending on whether we're friends IRL or you you're a regular reader or you follow me on Twitter.. you may have heard my complaining about being so busy. I'm sure you're just as tired of hearing it as I am feeling all scattered and stressed out! Well a couple months ago when a friend of mine and Kaila's learned that her lease wouldn't be extended a thought occurred to Kaila. This was our shot to move to the ever so charming East Sacramento! What's one more thing to take on?
House hunting was AWFUL and we were all getting worried that wouldn't be able to find the perfect home that was a) in the East Sacramento neighborhood b) a 3 bedroom that didn't mean someone would end up living in a closet c) was in our budget and d) didn't have an outrageous pet deposit. Six times a charm! We've found our new home and I couldn't wait to share the photos even though the current tenants stuff is in them. I figure it will make the AFTER photos look even better!
Yes, I'm busy and yes, this is another another (huge) stresser for me, but the rewards of moving - not the actual moving part, but the new home part - will be worth it! (Run on sentence? Don't judge me!) It will be fantastic to have more space! More baking, more crafting, Oscar will have space to run! I'm thrilled.. Hence all the exclamation points!!!
Updates to come. :)