Diet & Exercise Make Me Gag. Literally.

{Image via One 10 Performance & Nutrition Website}

Mr. Goddard emailed me last week and asked me something about a spin class.  I would have thought that the obvious answer would have been, no of course my girlfriend whose practically allergic to exercise would have never taken a spin class.  It must be one of those men are from Mars things...  So being the wonderful girlfriend I am, I agreed that I would try a spin class for him.  I knew our gym doesn't offer spin so I thought I had this situation locked up... Little did I know.

Come Sunday night Mr. G drops the bomb on me that we've been "selected" for this 3 week training class.  I'm sure he thought if he made it seem like I'd "won" the spot I'd forget about the whole fitness thing.  Wrong.  As I'm about to launch into a small whiney temper tantrum he reminded me that not less than an hour ago I had told him in the middle of This Means War that I would please like Reese's legs and could we please work on that...

{Reese's hot legs via a Google search}

So last night I went for what I thought was going to be my first spin class.  Thankfully Mr. Goddard was misinformed and I suffered through another kind of torture - being weighed and measured.  No surprise, I'm not exactly healthy, but the gentleman assured me I'm right on the cusp and he would definitely get me into some healthier numbers.  I also delighted to find out that for the next three weeks I won't be permitted to drink alcohol (the horror?!), but thankfully the program will end in time for me to properly enjoy St. Patrick's day.  My roommate Kaila immediately calculated it out.  In the meantime I'll be enjoying things like zucchini, whey protein and egg whites. Yay!

Speaking of egg whites...  I've always preferred my eggs in a baked good, but for the sake of the program and Mr. G's bank account I thought I'd attempt the egg white.  How hard could it be?  Just shovel them in as quickly as possible as to not actually taste them.  Wrong.  I managed to only swallow one bite.  One!  The rest wasn't pretty, but I won't go into any further details.  Between my new diet and exercise program mixed with my uncontrollable reaction to throwing up eggs - I'm guessing I'll be down some major lbs come March.

To be continued...