My Weekend According to My iPhone

Weekends definitely fly by when you're having fun!  Saturday was my roommate Amber's progressive dinner bike crawl in honor of the last year of her twenties.  Such a fun idea when you have a handful of friends in the same neighborhood.  Despite all the eating and drinking I was still able to bike the 10 miles between houses!  So glad that I've been spending time on the bike at the gym.  I'd like to think it prepared me and my butt for the long trek.

I'm also not ashamed to tell you that I slept on and off for most of Sunday.  I think I was awake less than 8 hours and it felt AMAZING!   Sometimes you just need those lazy days to help you catch on your busy weeks.  Right?  That's what I'm telling myself.

So here we are, Monday is still a b*tch.  Best of luck to you all!