Better Than A Magazine Subscription!

In my opinion, one of the greatest ideas in recent history is not the iPhone or the eReader.. It's the box subscriptions that everyone is doing.  I wish they had this when I was in high school.  How much cooler would it have been to get BirchBox or Julep instead of Cosmo or US Weekly?  I'd pick the box over the magazine ANYday and I wish I'd thought of it first!

So that brings me to the box above.  Stitch Fix is kind of like your own personal shopper in a box.  One that can style you on an as needed bases (I've had two "fixes") or you can set it up to come every month.​  You fill out a detailed style profile that goes over your body, your style, your likes and dislikes and even asks you things like what colors or patterns you want to be avoided.  It's great for someone like me because it forces me to try on things I might never pick for myself.  You can tell them what style you'd like to incorporate more and add any special notes before you schedule a fix.

Even better - your personal stylist reviews not only your style profile, but your social networks as well.  In the note with my last fix I was told they had reviewed my pinterest boards.  Ummm awesome!​  Each item of clothing has a colorful tag that shows you two different ways to style the piece.  That's great for the fashion challenged. You can see what I'm talking about on the super cute wrap dress above.

Take a peak and get yourselves styled!  It's only $20 and whatever you pick or if you pick it ALL - the fee is applied to your shopping total.  If you pick nothing then the $20 rolls over to your next fix.  The box comes with a prepaid USPS envelope that you fill with the pieces you don't want.  You can drop it at the post office or in your outgoing mail at work like I do.  You can't beat it!​