DIY Mini Floral Crown

DIY Mini Floral Crown 1

A couple months ago my friend Vanessa finally turned 21 after what felt like a million (three) years.  During this time she and I had talked and planned about all the fun things we would do and the drinks we would drink!  She's a stylish girl after my own heart so for her big day I pondered a sash or crown or BOTH!  I'd seen an adorable mini crown on Etsy awhile ago, but it just wasn't right so my mini crown search continued.  After an afternoon of research I came up empty handed.  Legitimate question - why is it is so hard to find affordable, adult tutus and crowns?!  I realized that it was up to me to turn my vision into reality.  

DIY Mini Floral Crown 2

Supplies List

  • Faux Flowers
  • Lace Trim
  • Hot Glue
  • Sponge Brush
  • Craft Paint In Desired Color(s)
  • Fabric Stiffener
  1. Cut the lace trim to desired link.  Mine was roughly 11" for her mini crown, but depending on the person or the look you're going for you may need something longer.
  2. Cover your surface with something protective like foil so that you can easily through it away at the end of the project.  I used press and seal!
  3. Spray generously with the fabric stiffener.  I could have definitely used more and if I had time spray again and let it dry I would have so if you're worried about over doing it just give yourself enough time to go a couple rounds.
  4. Once the stiffener is dry, paint any color.  I painted mine with a sponge brush and two different kinds of paint, but looking back I could have probably used spray paint I had laying around.  Just spray lightly and do a couple coats.
  5. Hot glue the two ends of the lace trim together to achieve a cylinder and now you have the beginning of your crown!
  6. Remove the flower heads from your faux bouquet and put just a small dab of hot glue on the underside.  I then poked these through the "holes" of the lace.  I only put flowers on the frontside of the crown, but this was purely my preference.

I'm so happy how her crown turned out!  She spent the weekend at my house and when she came home Friday evening her crown was awaiting her upon her pillow.  Such a birthday princess!

My friend Kaila and I were definitely jealous so I think come October and December we will have to have our own mini crowns for our birthdays.